
Why Meiosis Matters: The case of the fatherless snake

A compelling reason to learn something can make all the difference in students’ motivation to learn it.  Motivation, in turn, is one of the key attitudes that drives learning.  This story presents students with a compelling puzzle of a fatherless snake.  The puzzle motivates students to learn about meiosis and mitosis, since the only way to explain the origin of the fatherless baby is by mastering details of meiosis.  During the process, students work through the major steps in meiosis, compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis, and apply their understanding to predict how meiosis “went wrong” to produce an unusual offspring that did not originate through union of an egg and a sperm.  This story can be adapted for introductory or advanced students and can be scaled from a brief introduction in a single lecture to a series of active learning exercises that could take two or more lecture periods.

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Profile picture of Alex Deal

Alex Deal onto Cell Bio

The Science Behind Parthenogenesis: Interesting things happen when meiosis goes “wrong”

Parthenogenesis accompanying article

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Profile picture of Alex Deal

Alex Deal onto Cell Bio

Population Ecology of the Northern Spotted Owl

The mathematical modeling of populations utilizing field-collected demographic data is an important component of lab curricula in a variety of undergraduate biology lab courses. During the global pandemic brought about by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in 2020, we successfully converted an in-person lab on demographic population modeling to a lab that could be run remotely. We used a Google Earth Web Project to simulate a population study of the Northern Spotted Owl. In the simulation, students collected both demographic and mark-recapture data, based on surveying images of Northern Spotted Owls as they navigated four different wildlife transects. After conducting the survey, students used the data to determine population size using the mark-recapture method, derived a life table, calculated the net reproductive rate, and used the information to assess the current management plan for the population studied. Here we outline the lesson and provide materials required to duplicate the lab or to use Google Earth to create a similar simulation centered around a different species in any location around the globe.

Primary Image: Population Ecology with Google Earth. This population ecology lesson utilizes the Google Earth Project to provide students a simulated mark-recapture study. This lesson framework can be applied to any species or location; we chose to focus our lesson on the Northern Spotted Owl.

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Profile picture of Cori Brown

Cori Brown onto FTB

Defenses against predation: Interpreting graphs of predator behavior

In this lesson, students discuss anti-predator defense mechanisms and the types of cues defenses provide to predators. Students then interpret graphs of behavior of arthropod predators when presented with different phenotypes of color polymorphic tortoise beetles. Finally, students view and reflect on an interview with Dr. Lynette Strickland, the biologist who collected the data that they interpreted.

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Profile picture of Cindy Trussell

Cindy Trussell onto BIOL A442

Small Organisms with Big Consequences: Understanding the Microbial World Around Us

Creating a hands-on lab that conveys important information while simultaneously allowing for student autonomy can be difficult. This is particularly true for the field of microbiology, in which labs often rely on “recipe-style” instructions and materials that can be difficult to scale up for larger class sizes. For these reasons, microbiology concepts are often left out of introductory biology labs, the ramifications of which have been made apparent during the recent COVID-19 virus pandemic. Fundamental microbiology concepts, e.g., the prevention of communicable diseases, are important to teach in introductory biology classrooms – often a student's only exposure to biology in their academic careers – in order to create a healthier community as a whole. Therefore, this general biology lab introduces an active-learning microbiology lab that teaches students about the microbial world. Students are first introduced to the three major types of symbioses and apply these concepts to microbial organisms on a symbiotic continuum. Next, the students are given examples of mutualistic bacteria, i.e., the human microbiome, through a mini lecture prepared by the instructor. The students are then introduced to examples of parasitic/pathogenic microbes that can interfere with human health and cause relatable diseases (e.g., diarrhea, STDs, and athlete’s foot). Students then apply this information through a short matching game before learning common practices used to prevent the spread of these pathogens, including an active learning exercise and video on how to wash their hands like healthcare professionals. Finally, students are asked to generate their own questions about microbes before working through a handout that guides the students through using the scientific method to address their questions. This exercise thus provides students with the autonomy to ask their own questions about microbes, design their own experiments, prepare growth media their own way, and present their findings in a way that is both scalable for large class sizes and reduces the burden of lab prep common for microbiology labs. 

Primary image: Microbes sampled from the iPhone of a curious individual. Fungal colonies can be seen as fuzzy, white or colorful mounds while bacteria appear as opaque, smooth streaks on the media.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto BIO 101

A 360˚ View of COVID-19

In March 2020, institutions underwent a massive transition to distance learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. With so little time to devise new materials to maximize learning in the new virtual environment, instructors devised a variety of innovative strategies for completing the Spring 2020 semester. While highly disruptive, the pandemic also brought mainstream attention to a wide array of scientific concepts and provided an opportunity to teach students about science in real-time. Teaching topics related to COVID-19 can be approached from many different disciplines such as virology, immunology, biochemistry, genetics, public health, pharmacology, systems biology, and synthetic biology. By bringing together lessons devised by each of the authors on their own, we offer a series of curriculum modules that can be used either collectively or in parts to provide students with a multidisciplinary look at the virus and to answer their own curiosity about the disease that will define their generation.

Primary image: 360-degree view of COVID-19. The primary image depicts a SARS-CoV-2 virion surrounded by the fields of study that are featured in our pedagogical activities.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto Micro and Immuno

Student-Driven Design-and-Improve Modules to Explore the Effect of Plant Bioactive Compounds in Three Model Organisms

Engaging and supporting introductory level students in authentic research experiences during required coursework is challenging. Plant bioactive compounds attract students' natural curiosity as they are found in many familiar items such as tea, coffee, spices, herbs, vegetables, essential oils, medicines, cleaning supplies, and pesticides. Over the course of one semester, students work in teams to design experiments in three experimental modules to test whether bioactive compounds have effects on Daphnia heart rate, antibacterial activity, or caterpillar behavior. In a fourth module, they research solutions to an environmental problem. Students are involved in multiple scientific practices as they make their own experimental decisions, analyze data including using statistics to carefully justify their preliminary conclusions, and have the opportunity to improve their experiment and repeat it. Iteration is also emphasized by the fact that students go through the whole process from design to presentation repeatedly for three experiments. In the process, students experience for themselves the real complexity of scientific investigations and what it takes to rigorously show cause-and-effect relationships. The pedagogical focus is on providing introductory students with a supportive structure in a way that empowers them to make informed experimental decisions and be successful. At the end of the semester, the majority of students displayed a strong sense of personal involvement and an appreciation of the difficulties of scientific experimentation in open-ended written reflections. Students reported that statistics was one of the most difficult yet valuable experiences in these labs and demonstrated significant gains on a statistical test.

Primary image: Summary of the Lesson showing that student decide on which bioactive compounds to test in three model organisms (image attributions listed in Acknowledgments).

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto CURES

Follow the Sulfur: Using Yeast Mutants to Study a Metabolic Pathway

Students are frequently overwhelmed by the complexity of metabolic pathways and they think they have "learned" the pathway when they have memorized the individual reactions.  This laboratory lesson helps students to understand the significance of individual reactions in the pathways leading to methionine synthesis in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  Students appreciate that methionine is one of only two sulfur-containing amino acids, and students do not find it difficult to follow the "yellow" sulfur atom in the pathway. In the lesson, students use three different yeast met strains, each of which lacks a single gene involved in methionine synthesis.  Working in groups of three, students identify the missing MET gene in each of the three deletion strains by analyzing the abilities of the deletion strains to grow on several defined media in which methionine has been replaced with alternative sulfur sources. Students also determine the position of mutant genes in the pathway relative to sulfite reductase, using indicator media that reacts with sulfide, the product of the reaction catalyzed by sulfite reductase. For the analysis, students prepare serial dilutions of yeast cultures and spot the dilution series on agar plates. This lesson is part of a semester-long research investigation into the evolutionary conservation of the genes involved in methionine synthesis. The lesson can also be used as a stand-alone exercise that teaches students about biochemical pathways, while reinforcing basic microbiological techniques.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto Micro and Immuno

My Dog IS My Homework: Exploring Canine Genetics to Understand Genotype-Phenotype Relationships

To facilitate understanding of the fundamental genetic concept of the genotype-phenotype relationship in our introductory biology students, we designed an engaging multi-week series of related lessons about canine genetics in which students explore and answer the question, "How does the information encoded in DNA lead to physical traits in an organism?" Dogs are an excellent model organism for students since the genetic basis for complex morphological traits of various breeds is an active area of scientific research and dog DNA is easily accessible. Additionally, examination of students' pets offers a relatable, real-world, connection for students. Of the more than 19,000 genes that control canine genetics, simple genetic mutations in three genes are largely responsible for the coat variations of dogs –specifically, the genes that control hair length, curl, and the presence/absence of furnishings. In our lessons, students collect DNA samples from dogs, isolate and amplify targeted sections of DNA through polymerase chain reactions (PCR), and then sequence and analyze DNA for insertions and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutations. Utilizing gel electrophoresis and bioinformatics tools, students connect how the physical manifestation of traits is rooted in genetic sequences. Students also participate in discussions of scientific literature, group collaboration to construct a final poster, and presentation of their findings during a mock scientific poster conference. Through this module students engage in progressive exploration of genetic and molecular techniques that reveal how simple variations in a few DNA sequences in combination lead to a broad diversity of coat quality in domestic dog breeds.

Primary image. Genetic Analysis of Canine Coat Morphologies. Three dogs with differing coat morphologies analyzed by students (A, B, C), an agarose gel post-electrophoresis (D), and a chromatogram of a DNA sequence highlighting a relevant mutation (E). This collage contains original images taken by authors and course participants.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto Genetics

My Dog IS My Homework: Exploring Canine Genetics to Understand Genotype-Phenotype Relationships

To facilitate understanding of the fundamental genetic concept of the genotype-phenotype relationship in our introductory biology students, we designed an engaging multi-week series of related lessons about canine genetics in which students explore and answer the question, "How does the information encoded in DNA lead to physical traits in an organism?" Dogs are an excellent model organism for students since the genetic basis for complex morphological traits of various breeds is an active area of scientific research and dog DNA is easily accessible. Additionally, examination of students' pets offers a relatable, real-world, connection for students. Of the more than 19,000 genes that control canine genetics, simple genetic mutations in three genes are largely responsible for the coat variations of dogs –specifically, the genes that control hair length, curl, and the presence/absence of furnishings. In our lessons, students collect DNA samples from dogs, isolate and amplify targeted sections of DNA through polymerase chain reactions (PCR), and then sequence and analyze DNA for insertions and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutations. Utilizing gel electrophoresis and bioinformatics tools, students connect how the physical manifestation of traits is rooted in genetic sequences. Students also participate in discussions of scientific literature, group collaboration to construct a final poster, and presentation of their findings during a mock scientific poster conference. Through this module students engage in progressive exploration of genetic and molecular techniques that reveal how simple variations in a few DNA sequences in combination lead to a broad diversity of coat quality in domestic dog breeds.

Primary image. Genetic Analysis of Canine Coat Morphologies. Three dogs with differing coat morphologies analyzed by students (A, B, C), an agarose gel post-electrophoresis (D), and a chromatogram of a DNA sequence highlighting a relevant mutation (E). This collage contains original images taken by authors and course participants.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto Genetics

The Avocado Lab: An Inquiry-Driven Exploration of an Enzymatic Browning Reaction

Typical biochemistry labs exploring basic enzyme activity rely on costly, time-consuming protein purification and rarely explore enzyme function in situ. Further, complex purification procedures leave little room for novelty in experimental design. Here we present an inquiry-driven laboratory exercise for biochemistry undergraduates and adaptations for a general education science course. Each student designs a unique experiment to test their hypothesis regarding the nature of avocado browning in a three-hour span. In the presence of oxygen, polyphenol oxidases (PPO) catalyze oxidation of phenolic compounds into quinones, the polymerization of which creates the visible browning of many cut fruits. Avocado fruit, a source of both enzyme and substrate, is a safe, low-cost vehicle for semi-quantitative experimentation. During the incubation, biochemistry students use the Protein Data Bank and primary literature to understand the structure-function relationship of PPO and other molecular components of the avocado. Non-major students discuss how pH, temperature, and substrate availability affect PPO. Visible browning pigments appear on a controllable time scale. Students can photograph results to create a figure to accompany semi-quantitative analysis of experimental results in a single lab period. Since avocados are familiar foods and select test reagents are generally recognized as safe, the optimal protocol investigated in the lab can be further applied to best practices in the kitchen in everyday life, promoting the transfer of knowledge learned in the classroom to practical environments.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto BIO 101

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate, that is the question. Much of the recent trend in society against vaccination is that the general population does not understand 1) how vaccines work and 2) how one's vaccination status can influence others. Further compounding this is rather low acceptance of the influenza vaccine, a vaccine which is sometimes not even effective against the strains predominantly in circulation. Through engaging in a conversation about the role of vaccines in immunity not only of oneself but also about surrounding persons, we can increase vaccine acceptance. Herein is a physical assay which illustrates the concept of herd immunity with differing levels of vaccinations within a population. Students will learn that low vaccination rates do little to nothing to stop disease spread and that a large portion of the population (80%) is necessary to achieve near-eradication. This lesson is able to be taught at multiple levels using supplies that can mostly be obtained at the grocery store. In addition to illustrating vaccination, this study approximates a direct enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), enabling students to better understand that technique and how it is used to diagnose disease as well as the interrelation between antigens and antibodies.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto Micro and Immuno

The Pipeline CURE: An Iterative Approach to Introduce All Students to Research Throughout a Biology Curriculum

Participation in research provides personal and professional benefits for undergraduates. However, some students face institutional barriers that prevent their entry into research, particularly those from underrepresented groups who may stand to gain the most from research experiences. Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) effectively scale research availability, but many only last for a single semester, which is rarely enough time for a novice to develop proficiency. To address these challenges, we present the Pipeline CURE, a framework that integrates a single research question throughout a biology curriculum. Students are introduced to the research system - in this implementation, C. elegans epigenetics research - with their first course in the major. After revisiting the research system in several subsequent courses, students can choose to participate in an upper-level research experience. In the Pipeline, students build resilience via repeated exposure to the same research system. Its iterative, curriculum-embedded approach is flexible enough to be implemented at a range of institutions using a variety of research questions. By uniting evidence-based teaching methods with ongoing scientific research, the Pipeline CURE provides a new model for overcoming barriers to participation in undergraduate research.

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Profile picture of Heather Evans

Heather Evans onto CURES

Miami (OH) University: Synthetic Biology: design principles and applications in medicine and industry

A lecture-only synthetic biology course

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Profile picture of Lisa Scheifele

Lisa Scheifele onto Syllabi

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Profile picture of Pat Marsteller

Pat Marsteller onto Climate Justice

Data Cards Sample Created From Lost Crops of Africa (NRC, 1996, 2006, 2008)

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Profile picture of Catherine Quinlan

Catherine Quinlan onto Dr. Catherine Quinlan's Work

Framing and determining science content and standards for cultural representation of African American heritage in science content knowledge

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Profile picture of Catherine Quinlan

Catherine Quinlan onto Dr. Catherine Quinlan's Work

Designing a High Quality and Accessible Scientific Poster

The aim of this project is to help undergraduates understand the importance of making their research accessible to a wide audience and to practice this idea by deliberately designing a scientific poster that is accessible to a more inclusive audience. Students will complete an activity that helps them identify the main conclusion of their research and helps them identify the key supporting data for that conclusion. Then, students will use their main conclusion and figures to design a scientific poster. These activities are designed to be used with students that have already completed their research and have results figures.

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Profile picture of Courtney Galle

Courtney Galle onto Writing/Presenting Tools

Polyploidapalooza: Exploring the diversity and evolution of polyploid plants and animals

This series of modules explores the complex world of polyploidy, including species formation, cell division, evolution, conservation, and economic importance. We focus on polyploidy across the plant and animal kingdoms using hands-on exercises and case studies.

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Profile picture of Courtney Galle

Courtney Galle onto Genetics

Geoscience links from SERC

InTeGrate materials engage students in understanding the earth system as it intertwines with key societal issues. They challenge students to address interdisciplinary problems, engage in geoscientific habits of mind, work with authentic geoscience data and develop system thinking. The collection is freely available and ready to be adapted by undergraduate educators across a range of courses including: general education or majors courses in Earth-focused disciplines such as geoscience or environmental science, social science, engineering, and other sciences, as well as courses for interdisciplinary programs.

Analyzing High Resolution Topography with TLS and SfM
from GETSI
Sustainability Topics: Technology, Natural Hazards
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
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An Ecosystem Services Approach to Water Resources
Sustainability Topics: Water & Watersheds, Design & Planning, Cycles & Systems:Hydrologic cycle
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
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A Growing Concern: Sustaining Soil Resources through Local Decision Making
Sustainability Topics: Food Systems & Agriculture, Natural Resources
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
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Carbon, Climate, and Energy Resources
Sustainability Topics: Energy, Cycles & Systems:Carbon Cycle, Human Impact & Footprint, Climate Change
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), College Introductory
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Changing Biosphere
Sustainability Topics: Ecosystems, Biodiversity
Grade Level: High School (9-12), College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
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Cli-Fi: Climate Science in Literary Texts
Sustainability Topics: Climate Change
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
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Climate of Change
Sustainability Topics: Climate Change
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory, College Lower (13-14)
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Coastal Processes, Hazards and Society
Sustainability Topics: Natural Hazards
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
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Critical Zone Science
Sustainability Topics: Ecosystems, Cycles & Systems
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), College Upper (15-16)
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Earth's Thermostat
Sustainability Topics: Climate Change
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
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Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources
Sustainability Topics: Water & Watersheds, Human Health & Well-being, Cultures, Ethics, & Values, Social & Environmental Justice
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
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Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources - Spanish Adaptation
Sustainability Topics: Cultures, Ethics, & Values, Water & Watersheds
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
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Eyes on the Hydrosphere: Tracking Water Resources
from GETSI
Sustainability Topics: Water & Watersheds
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
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Food as the Foundation for Healthy Communities
Sustainability Topics: Social & Environmental Justice, Food Systems & Agriculture, Human Health & Well-being
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), College Introductory
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Future of Food
Sustainability Topics: Food Systems & Agriculture
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory, College Lower (13-14)
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GPS, Strain, and Earthquakes
from GETSI
Sustainability Topics: Natural Hazards
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
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High Precision Positioning with Static and Kinematic GPS
from GETSI
Sustainability Topics: Technology
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
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Human's Dependence on Earth's Mineral Resources
Sustainability Topics: Natural Resources:Mineral Resources
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
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Ice Mass and Sea Level Changes
from GETSI
Sustainability Topics: Climate Change
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), College Introductory
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Imaging Active Tectonics with InSAR and Lidar
from GETSI
Sustainability Topics: Technology, Risk & Resilience, Natural Hazards
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
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Interactions between Water, Earth’s Surface, and Human Activity
Sustainability Topics: Water & Watersheds, Natural Hazards
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
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Lead in the Environment
Sustainability Topics: Social & Environmental Justice, Human Health & Well-being, Civil Society & Governance, Human Impact & Footprint, Pollution & Waste
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
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Living on the Edge: Building resilient societies on active plate margins
Sustainability Topics: Natural Hazards
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
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Major Storms and Community Resilience
Sustainability Topics: Risk & Resilience, Human Health & Well-being, Civil Society & Governance, Natural Hazards
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory, College Lower (13-14)
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Mapping the Environment with Sensory Perception
Sustainability Topics: Social & Environmental Justice, Human Impact & Footprint, Pollution & Waste
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
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Map Your Hazards! – Assessing Hazards, Vulnerability and Risk
Sustainability Topics: Natural Hazards
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), College Introductory
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Measuring Water Resources
from GETSI
Sustainability Topics: Natural Hazards, Natural Resources, Water & Watersheds
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
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Modeling Earth Systems
Sustainability Topics: Climate Change, Cycles & Systems:Carbon Cycle, Cycles & Systems, Hydrologic cycle
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
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Natural Hazards and Risks: Hurricanes
Sustainability Topics: Natural Hazards, Risk & Resilience
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), College Introductory
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Ocean Sustainability
Sustainability Topics: Natural Resources:Ocean/Coastal Resources
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
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Regulating Carbon Emissions
Sustainability Topics: Pollution & Waste, Energy, Climate Change, Human Impact & Footprint
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory, College Lower (13-14)
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Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability
Sustainability Topics: Technology, Energy
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
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Soils, Systems, and Society
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16), College Lower (13-14)
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Surface Process Hazards
from GETSI
Sustainability Topics: Natural Hazards, Risk & Resilience
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
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Systems Thinking
Sustainability Topics: Cycles & Systems
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
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The Wicked Problem of Global Food Security
Sustainability Topics: Food Systems & Agriculture
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory
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Water, Agriculture, and Sustainability
Sustainability Topics: Human Impact & Footprint, Natural Resources, Food Systems & Agriculture, Water & Watersheds
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14)
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Water: Science and Society
Sustainability Topics: Water & Watersheds
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14):College Introductory, College Lower (13-14)
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Water Sustainability in Cities
Sustainability Topics: Design & Planning, Water & Watersheds, Natural Resources, Technology
Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
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Profile picture of Aviva Liebert

Aviva Liebert onto Climate Justice

Climate Change Module (Project EDDIE)

Students explore how climate is changing from the recent record. Produced by Project EDDIE.

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Profile picture of Aviva Liebert

Aviva Liebert onto Ecology