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Teaching virtual protein‐centric CUREs and UREs using computational tools

Bell, A., Christian, L., Hecht, D., Huisinga, K., Rakus, J., & Bell, E. (2020). Teaching virtual protein‐centric CUREs and UREs using computational tools. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 48(6), 646-647. DOI: 10.1002/bmb.21454


Readily available, free, computational approaches, adaptable for topics accessi- ble for first to senior year classes and individual research projects, emphasizing contributions of noncovalent interactions to structure, binding and catalysis were used to teach Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences that fulfill generally accepted main CURE components: Scientific Background, Hypothesis Development, Proposal, Experiments, Teamwork, Data Analysis of quantitative data, Conclusions, and Presentation.

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Sam S Donovan onto Published papers

Published papers

This is a collection of papers that describe the CURE programs and outcomes. 

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Sam S Donovan