• Discoverability Visible
  • Join Policy Restricted
  • Created 14 Oct 2015

This page will help you accept your invitation to join the 2016 SI on Quantitative Biology.

How do groups work?

The QUBESHub is organized around "groups" or online communities that have access to a wide range of collaboration and productivity tools. Some groups have open membership meaning that anyone can join the group. See our list of Partner Projects for information about some of the open groups on QUBESHub. Other groups are closed or require you to request membership. The group managers have a lot of control over which parts of the group are visible to non-members. The goal is to share enough information about the group so that you can see what is going on but give the members enough privacy that they can have a productive collaborative work space.
The 2016 Quantitative Biology Summer Institute Group will have some open areas like the schedule and overview page where people visiting the site can learn more about the meeting. Much of the work space however will be restricted to the meeting participants. As we develop resources to share they will be made accessible in a public area for others to adopt and adapt.

Why do I need to join the group?

If you have received an invitation to participate in the meeting you need to join the group in order to access the entire group space. We are asking you to create a QUBES account and then request membership in the SI group as a way to formalize you acceptance of the meeting invitation. We will begin using the SI group collaborative tools in the next couple of weeks to prepare for the meeting.

How do I join?

If you already have a QUBESHub account:

  1. If you are logged into the QUBESHub you can click the "request membership" button under the meeting logo on the left side of the page.
  2. If you are not logged into QUBESHub do that first by clicking on the "Log in" button under the meeting logo on the left side of the page then go to step 1.
  3. As soon as we confirm your invitation to the meeting you will receive an email letting you know that you have been added to the group.
  4. Come on in and look around. We have several suggestions for how to get started.

If you don't have a QUBESHub account:

  1. Don't worry, creating a QUBESHub account is simple and quick. You will be asked for the following information:
    • choose a username and password
    • your real name and a valid email account
    • a little bit of information about your institution and experience
    • you must agree to the Terms of Use
  2. You will need to confirm your identity by following a link that is sent to the email address your enter.
  3. Once you have created an account you can navigate back to this group and follow the instructions above.
  4. I'm ready - take me to the page to create a QUBESHub Account.