
Encourage a Rising Early-Career Scientist to apply to the ASM Young Ambassador Program

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As a leader in your field, The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) is looking to you for recommendation for early-career scientists to join the US Young Ambassador program. Since you work directly with some outstanding early-career scientists, we need your recommendation today, to ensure your candidate is considered! All applications must be received by November 15th.

How does YOUR early-career scientist get nominated?

Eligibility Requirements:

  • The candidate must be a 2019 ASM member – Join or renew your candidate today.
  • Currently be enrolled as a student or PhD candidate, or have earned a PhD within the past 5 years.
  • Have demonstrated leadership in a scientific or academic community.

Help an early-career scientist - share this announcement and encourage your candidate to complete an application today.  

  1. American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
  2. early-career scientists
  3. professional development

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